Contact Information
Deployment Readiness Coordinator
Maria Rodriguez Callejas
12th Marine Corps District
BLDG 8, Rm 120
3704 Hochmuth Ave, San Diego, CA 92140
Work Desk: 619.738.5136, Work Cell: 619.988.0593
On behalf of the District's Command Team, greetings and welcome aboard!
You are a welcomed addition to the 12th Marine Corps District (12thMCD) family, and we look forward to working with you.
The goal of the Unit, Personal, and Family Readiness Program is to provide support to Marines and their families. We take pride in ensuring that we are offering the best quality support for the unit, the Marine, and the family members. Family, to us, is defined as all members of a Marine's family. You will have an opportunity upon check-in, to tell us who family is to you through the updating of your MOL Family Readiness Module. Support for you and your family shall be provided to regardless of your marital status, to include: your spouse, children, and/or your designated parents/extended family members. This service and support are paramount to an increase in personal and unit readiness. Personal, and Family Readiness is a priority and is the primary foundation for unit and mission readiness.
As the Deployment Readiness Coordinator (DRC), my primary duty is to support the Commanding Officer with communication to the Marines and their family members, to provide information and resource referral, to provide deployment and readiness support, and volunteer management. I also serve as an informational link between the 12thMCD Commander and your Recruiting Station (RS) Uniformed Readiness Coordinators (URCs). Your unit URCs will keep you informed of training events, briefs, local, current and command-sponsored events. You will receive e-mails, phone calls and messages from MOL informing you of what is taking place within your respective command. It is imperative that you contact your URC if you have any major life events, or changes in contact information, so that they can update their databases.
As soon as you come on deck, ensure that you check in with either me at the District HQs, or your URC at the RS. We have important documents for you to complete. Spouses and other family members are welcomed to contact me or the RS URC for information about the area, resource referrals, and volunteer opportunities.
Our various Command Teams will ensure you are well informed about all programs and resources available to you and your family while you are a member of the 12thMCD family. We welcome any feedback on events you attend or would like to attend. We are always open to suggestions and new ideas. We look forward to hearing from you.
On behalf of the Command Team, welcome aboard. I along with the other URCs look forward to assisting you and your family, with any concerns you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
To request a welcome aboard packet, or information about our upcoming District's Spouse Orientation Course, click on the image below.

If you are a spouse of 12th Marine Corps District and are interested in attending, please send me an email by clicking on the image below.
2023 Most Requested Resources
DoD/ASYMCA Gym Memberships: DoD has contracted with the Armed Services YMCA (ASYMCA) to fund YMCA memberships at participating YMCAs throughout the United States and Puerto Rico for all Active-Duty Personnel at Independent Duty Stations. This Military Outreach Initiative (MOI) is intended for those who are assigned to Independent Duty and have little to no access to a military installation gym. MOI membership application is attached. Please submit your application to your RS Representative who will then forward to the District for approval.
Education and Tuition Assistance/Scholarships: Contact your Installation Education Service Officer for more information and to receive one-on-one support. Talk to them about Tuition Assistance (TA), Marine Corps Credentialing Opportunities On-line (COOL), College Level Exam Program (CLEP), Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES), Joint Service Transcripts and more. Education ( 619.524.8158
Exceptional Family Member Program: The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is designed to support military families with special medical and/or educational needs - ensuring availability of care during transitions with the goal to improve the quality-of-life through community resources and support. Exceptional Family Member Program ( 619.524.8031
Family Member Employment Assistance Program: The Family Member Employment Assistance Program (FMEAP) provides resources and services to support military spouses’ and dependent family members’ employment related needs from resume building to interview tips to education scholarships and opportunities. 619.524.8640
Legal Assistance: Mission: to foster the operational readiness of the armed forces through the provision of legal assistance services to eligible clients and customers in the Western Region through private attorney consultations regarding personal civil legal affairs and presentation of preventative law, pre-deployment, and estate planning briefs to units aboard MCRD SD and Western Recruiting Region. Scope of services: Family Law (divorce, separation, child custody, etc), consumer credit – debit and credit issues, Service Members’ Civil Relief Act, Estate Planning/Wills, Limited Immigration Assistance. MCRDSD Legal Assistance Office ( Phone: 858.307.1656
DoD MWR Digital Library Services: The DoD Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) Libraries are transforming to combine resources and efforts of the five branches of service (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Space Force) to deliver the highest value of online library services to DoD Service members and families. Because the internet is a popular and powerful tool for information access, education, and entertainment, the DoD joint service initiative is streamlining how MWR provides online access to library services and eResources - members can search for new library materials and upcoming programs at their local installation library; learn a new language; find a tutor; check out digital and audio books; these are just a few of the services to be offered in the new one-stop library shop. DoD MWR Libraries DoD MWR Libraries, encouraging and empowering Service members and families to embrace life-long learning.
New Baby/New Parent/Food:
New Parent Support Program: The New Parent Support Program (NPSP) is a professional team of social workers, counselors, and registered nurses who provide education and support to Marine families who are expecting or raising children aged 0 -5 years old. The NPSP also hosts baby boot camp and group parenting classes, playgroups, and home visits for Marines and their families. 619.524.0465. New Parent Support (
Navy Marine Corps Relief Society: Support of the Active-Duty Fund Drive provides shipmates financial support when their family has trouble making ends meet and allows your fellow marine an emergency trip when needed back home. Services available include Financial Assistance, Budget for Baby, Emergency Travel, Quick Assist Loans, and Disaster Relief. For our Marines and family members in remote locations, we have partnered up with our local NMCRS to provide a Budgeting for Baby (B4B) Remote Voucher for new babies. If you have had a child within the last six months or expecting one soon, complete the form attached, provide it to your Command URC for submission. You will receive directly from NMCRS a voucher/gift card. 619.293.3732 San Diego CA Marine Corp Recruit Depot - Financial Assistance | NMCRS.
Military Outreach Mission: (San Diego County Resource) Our mission is to serve a vastly underserved population of junior enlisted military in San Diego County with basic needs to help stretch their limited funds while they live in one of the most expensive areas in the country. Our services are free of charge in appreciation for their service and consist of: (1) the distribution of food 7 times a month at military housing and holiday meals in November and December, (2) allowing families to shop at our Distribution Center for baby items, children’s clothes, and household items, (3) helping families feel a sense of community, especially spouses of deployed members, by holding special events such as baby showers, Christmas Stores, Easter egg hunts, back to school backpacks drive, and (4) helping during personal emergencies; home fires, facing huge medical bills due to a child’s illness, or when twins were born un-expectantly and the parents only had one crib. Distribution Center
Serving only active-duty junior enlisted families (E5 and below). Everything is given free in appreciation for your service. Families can visit the Center to pick up (free of charge) children’s (under age 12) clothing, infant diapers, baby food, toys, small household items and furniture. The Distribution Center Hours: By appointment only. Phone: (619) 461-4164 Email: The Distribution Center Location: 8930 Activity Road Suite G, San Diego, CA 92126 Other services to military families include bag of food and bread distributed regularly in the housing areas.
Support the Enlisted Project (STEP): STEP builds financial self-sufficiency among junior active duty enlisted members and recently discharged enlisted Veterans and their families facing financial crisis through counseling, education and grants. San Diego Phone: 858.695.6810, Orange County Phone: 714.444.0075, and Washington State Phone: 253.442.2366
Personal Financial Management: Your Personal Financial Management Specialist at Personal & Professional Development is here to help you and your family members (active duty, retired, DoD and NAF Civilian Personnel) learn more about basic financial management skills and to help you improve your level of Financial Fitness through personalized budgeting, goal setting, savings, investing, use of credit and debt, planning for major purchases, preparing for major financial challenges, risk coverage, tax planning, and retirement planning. Personal Financial Management ( 619.524.1204
PCS Smooth Move Workshop: The Relocation Assistance Program offers comprehensive programs and workshops geared towards assisting service members, their families, and DoD civilians navigate their way through the sometimes-stressful relocation process. Relocation Assistance ( 619.524.5298
Relationships/Communication Skills/Counseling:
District Chaplain: Chaplain Rogers. 808.285.7402
Community Counselors: Using an integrated community health approach, the Community Counseling Program (CCP) equips Marines and families with the skills to address life’s challenges before there is significant impact to performance in their duties and relationships. The CCP assists Marines and families in accomplishing their personal goals through short-term solution focused counseling, skill enhancement, education and referrals to other helping resources. 619.725.6377 Community Counseling (
Give-an-Hour/Military: Give an Hour’s Military Program addresses the unique challenges and needs for prioritizing mental health and emotional wellbeing in the military community. Give an Hour's approach to mental wellbeing and treatment assists in closing access and delivery gaps to reduce extensive delays that can make mild symptoms worse and recovery more difficult. By diversifying options for care, Give an Hour addresses the disparity between available mental health professionals and community needs. Mental Health Care for Military and Families - Give an Hour
Military Family Life Consultant: The Military and Family Life Counseling program supports service members, their families and survivors with confidential non-medical counseling where they are stationed. Non-medical counseling can help individuals address issues such as improving relationships at home and work, stress management, adjustment difficulties, parenting, and grief or loss. Trained to work with the military community, military and family life counselors deliver valuable face-to-face counseling services, as well as by phone and video. They also provide group support with briefings and topic-specific presentations to the military community both on and off the installation. At present, OSD, in partnership with HQMC and MCRC are working on establishing dedicated MFLC for each state within the 12thMCD AOR. The list of providers is set to be released soon and will be sent out to All Hands as soon as they are announced. In the meantime, Military OneSource offers MFLC for eligible clients by phone, telehealth, or virtual options. To schedule an appointment today log onto the MOS website. Military & Family Life Counseling Services | Military OneSource.
Families Overcoming Under Stress: FOCUS services are available for active-duty service members and their family or partner via the virtual TeleFOCUS program, allowing families and couples from one of our sites to meet with a FOCUS Provider through video teleconference. In TeleFOCUS families and couples “meet” with a FOCUS Provider in videoconferences to: Identify individual and family strengths and challenges, improve family communication about an injury or illness, set goals for family care routines, practice skills to manage military and post military transitions, Increase trust and support among family members.
Discover additional support services in the local community. To learn more about TeleFOCUS program, or to set up an appointment, please call: 703.784.0189 or email
Spouse Transition and Readiness Seminar (STARS): STARS provides military spouses with a comprehensive overview of information and resources needed to prepare the household for the transition from military service to the civilian world. 619.524-8640
Dental: Dental coverage is separate from TRICARE’s medical coverage. Your dental coverage is based on who you are, Active-Duty service member, active-duty family members, guard/reserve members, guard/reserve family members, retired service members and family, and survivors. Your detailed dental coverage for each category can be found on their website: Dental Care | TRICARE. If you are having issues with your dental coverage, the Tricare United Concordia Beneficiary Educator and support staff member is Tina Taylor. She can be reached at 559.423.5341 or by email at: Or you can contact Paul Barnhart at 830.265.4439 or by email at
Mental Health Services: Everyone reacts to stress and traumatic experiences differently. While some have reactions that can be seen as normal responses to life events, others may experience signs or symptoms of more serious conditions. It is important to seek help if you're concerned that you or a loved one may be experiencing mental illness. Mental health is an important part of overall health and well-being, yet mental illness affects millions of people worldwide.
Mental health disorders include Anxiety, Depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Or other mental health illnesses. To learn more about your benefit, please visit your TRICARE Mental Health website at: Mental Health Care | TRICARE If you would like to know who your TRICARE Medical Beneficiary Educator is for your area in our District’s AOR, please reach out.
Telemynd: At Telemynd, we're devoted to delivering top-tier mental health care for service members and their families. We've created a national network of skilled therapists and extended our secure platform to offer specialized TRICARE Health Net Federal Services mental health services. What It Means for You: With Telemynd, access high-quality care, whether you're enrolling, deployed, transitioning to civilian life, or at home. Your mental well-being is our priority. 866.994.2103 Telemynd - The Leader in Mental Health Care for Tricare
As your Deployment Readiness Coordinator, I am here to support you, and your family members, find the wide variety resources that will assist your quality-of-life challenges. These resources can be military or civilian, reach back to a military installation, or in your local community. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if I can support you, your team, or your family members. Please share this email with your spouse.
Ms. Maria Rodriguez Callejas
Deployment Readiness Coordinator
Office Phone: (619) 738-5136
Work Cell: (619) 988-0593